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  1. I wuld trade all f technlg fr an afternn with Scrates.


  2. Be a ardstic f qualit. Se peple aren't used t an envirnent where excellence is expected.


  3. u nw, we dn't grw st f the fd we eat. We wear clthes ther peple ae. We spea a language that ther peple develped. We use a atheatics that ther peple evlved... I ean, we're cnstantl taing things. It's a wnderful, ecstatic feeling t create sething that puts it bac in the pl f huan experience and nwledge.


  4. We're here t put a dent in the universe. Otherwise wh else even be here?


  5. There's a phrase in Buddhis, 'Beginner's ind.' It's wnderful t have a beginner's ind.


  6. ur tie is liited, s dn't waste it living sene else's life. Dn't be trapped b dga - which is living with the results f ther peple's thining. Dn't let the nise f ther's pinins drwn ut ur wn inner vice. And st iprtant, have the curage t fllw ur heart and intuitin. The sehw alread nw what u trul want t bece. Everthing else is secndar.


  7. We thin basicall u watch televisin t turn ur brain ff, and u wr n ur cputer when u want t turn ur brain n.


  8. The nl wa t d great wr is t lve what u d. If u haven't fund it et, eep ling. Dn't settle. As with all atters f the heart, u'll nw when u find it.


  9. Innvatin distinguishes between a leader and a fllwer.


  10. I' the nl persn I nw that's lst a quarter f a billin dllars in ne ear... It's ver character-building.




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